CHAOS stands for Central High And Our Supporters
Every student decides where they fit on the team among our 4 sub-teams: mechanical, electrical, programming, and business. CHAOS believes balance is key to having a well structured team. Our mentors help students achieve their goals on the team, but do not force their ideas upon us. The business team is a new addition to CHAOS. Having a business team is a vital part of the team, to ensure sustainability and help the team spread FIRST.
Most CHAOS alumni further their learning careers at their preferred college, taking skills they’ve learned to better their community. CHAOS gives you a head start on your collegiate or professional careers. CHAOS allows alumni to apply their learned information and skills in one's future pursuit of higher education. Our seniors are often accepted to their preferred college.
CHAOS prides itself in the successful outcome of its students, it is our strongest aspect. The core of FIRST is built on the idea of inspiring the youth. Doing so does not need to be over complicated. Underneath all the outreach and the core values there is one overarching value, to inspire the youth to become leaders and innovators in science and technology. CHAOS believes we have done just that.
The mechanical team works on designing and building the physical robot based on the game for the season. Students work together with the help of mentors guiding them through the process.
Building a robot is not just about the physical components but the messages that run through it allowing for it to complete the tasks being asked of it. The programming team is trained to use software which provides them with the skills to program our robots.
The electrical team decides where to efficiently place the wires and other electrical components on the robot and then connects everything on the robot, allowing it to function.
There is more to a robotics team than building the robot itself. Beyond building there is award submissions, fundraising, outreach, and various other time consuming tasks which must be completed throughout the season. Here at CHAOS there is a place for everyone.
What is FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC)?
FIRST® describes it as combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology. We call FIRST Robotics Competition the ultimate Sport for the Mind. High-school student participants call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.”
Under strict rules, limited time and resources, teams of students are challenged to raise funds, design a team "brand," hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team. Each season ends with an exciting FIRST Championship.